It took fewer than 36 hours to fill every spot for the members-only Cultural Understanding gathering on July 12 at the home of Cam McKinley. Betzy Chavez, Impact100 member and Director of School Programs and Education at La Luz Center, led a conversation and participatory exercises on topics that included religion, politics, judgments, cultural assumptions, socio-economics, empathy and engagement.
Betzy, born in Mexico and raised in Sonoma County, with a Masters Degree in Counseling and years of working locally, has a comprehensive understanding of the pulse of our Latino neighbors. She, along with member Vianette Contreras, generously offered their perspectives on the dynamics at play in Sonoma Valley. They, and everyone present, shared and expressed the vision of Impact100 Sonoma – a thriving Sonoma Valley (for all!).
Member Betzy Chavez sharing her professional and personal experiences as a Latina raised and working in Sonoma Valley
Impact100 Administrative Assistant Chelsea Gregory, Mary Marcussen, Lynne Lancaster, Betsy Chavez, Vianette Contreras, Sarah Carroll